Sunday, February 26, 2017

More about Driveline

Hey guys, what’s up? Today I’m reviewing the Driveline Baseball official blog. Who knew blogs were so big these days? I sure didn’t. 

What is it?
This blog is pretty cool because it actually posts a decent amount about Driveline and what makes it so unique.

Not only does the blog post about different topics in regards to Driveline, but it also posts videos of the subject they’re discussing. Pretty neat if you ask me. This gives it a whole new depth, you know? Reading about a subject is one thing, but seeing it actually happen is a whole new ballpark. (Get it?)

A handful of the posts talk about mechanics, some talk about different types of pitches, some discuss training, some talk about speed, some talk about professionals.

I hope to incorporate posts similar to these in my own blog…so you have that to look forward to! I also intend to talk about my own experiences with the program, what working with my trainer was like, and what Driveline has done for me thus far to better my pitching abilities.

Who will like this blog?
Hey, even if you aren’t a pitcher, you have to admit. Watching these guys and what they’re doing is pretty freaking cool. If you appreciate baseball in any way, shape or form, you will definitely like this blog.

If you like reading cool blogs, then you will like this blog.

If you’re into cool blogs about baseball, then you will totally love this blog.

If you don’t like baseball or blogs, that’s cool too. You can watch some decent looking guys practice training for baseball. I mean, if that’s what you’re into, then you will like this blog also.

If you’re my Mom, you will like this blog.

Now if you’re not into baseball, cool blogs, cool blogs about baseball, decent looking dudes playing baseball, or you aren’t my Mom, then I feel bad for you. You’re missing out!

Now…go check it out!
By clicking on some of these blog posts, you’ll learn some more about why I think that this program is so sweet. You won’t regret it, I swear. If you do regret it, maybe you clicked on the wrong link.

Thanks for taking 45 seconds out of your day to read this blog post about another blog. Hopefully, you’ll take an extra five plus minutes to look at the Driveline blog too. 

Also, hopefully, you’ll still want to look at my blog after looking at the Driveline blog. Keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t one up mine.

Thanks again guys for checking out my blog! With any luck, the rest of your day will involve tacos and a decent nap.

Hasta La Vista,

Intro Post

Who am I?
^This is me, enjoy
Everyone has a passion. Science. Music. Photography. Tacos. Mine happens to be baseball, and I can say that my life has changed for the better because of it. 

My name is Jon. Im 19 and a pitcher on the Herkimer County Community College baseball team. If you're local, you might know the Diamond Dawgs who I played for this past summer.

Like the Earth revolves around the Sun, my life revolves around baseball. Every time I walk onto the mound, I just get this rush, the kind you get when you get up to the highest part of the roller coaster. My adrenaline just sky rockets and I feel like I'm on top of the world. I mean why climb Mount Everest when I could just step onto the baseball field, right? Well, I guess Mount Everest might be pretty cool too.

Being a pitcher has been something that means a lot me. It has shaped my life in so many aspects. I know that it has even made me a stronger person. The level of patience I have, the ability to concentrate, my level of focus, my sense of drive and dedication, my ambition, and my discipline have all improved because of baseball. Its crazy how one sport can do that for you.

Okayso what is this blog about?
Funny you ask. I hope to use this blog to discuss my experience with Driveline Baseball. This is a method of off-season training that I first used this past winter with my trainer, Dan Sausville back home in Schenectady, New York.
^Dan back when he was playing in the Can-Am League
I went to Dans training facility every single day this winter break. The program he uses, Driveline, was created by a guy named Kyle Boddy, a former college pitcher who is now a JV coach.
This guy basically said, Okay. I want my pitchers to get better and throw harder, but I dont want them to experience the same pain that I remember having. What can I do?

At first he had thought that the answer was solely in biomechanics and having his pitchers watch videos about them. This was proven to be ineffective. He then started working and doing lots of common pitching drills to figure out the answer.

Him and his team have been working on breaking down to program and improving it to make sure only the best methods are used.

This is a program that is centered around weighted balls. 

By using the program for about three months, it has been proven that you can increase your fastball by at least 3-4 MPH.

Commitment is so important in this program. It will take work, but it really does pay off.

I have found this program to be extremely helpful in increasing my pitching abilities, and I want to share it with other pitchers so that they can experience it for themselves. The word needs to get out about this program because I have found through personal experience just how awesome it really is.

To sum it up
Baseball isn't just a hobby for me, it's my life. It has been since I was five years old and I know it will always be a huge part of my life.

I know that if I stick with this program in the off-season, its only going to make be a better player. If you keep up on this blog, you will be keeping up with this program and everything that it has to offer.

Share it with your teammate, share it with your brother, share it with your dog.

Thanks for reading a little bit about me and a glimpse of what this blog is about.

I hope the rest of your day involves pizza and winning two dollars on a scratch off.

Stay classy,